3 boost me ups you need

Happy Monday Reader!

I hope your weekend was AMAZING and you are fired up for this week. Ive got some awesome recipes to help rev those energizer bunny engine that do not include coffee!!

Coffee is not bad, it actually has antioxidants in it but it also has a lot of caffeine that can have a negative effect on your stress hormones. If you are trying to balance your hormone levels, it is best to limit your caffeine intake.

So, without coffee how are you supposed to get a little boost in the morning? Don't you worry Reader, i've got this covered.

Here are 3 adrenal cocktails to boost your energy (instead if coffee)

  1. Adrenal cocktail by - The Almond eater

Super simple ingredients of orange juice, coconut water, and salt. check out the full recipe and measurements here

2. Adrenal smoothie by - Whole new mom

This one is more like a smoothie with a few more ingredient you may not have on hand BUT I can vouch, it is delicious

Full recipe here

3. Adrenal cocktail by- home is for simple

This recipe has some variations on the classic OJ adrenal cocktail so you are sure to find a variation you enjoy :) personally im an OJ person through and through 😂🍊

There you have it!

For more ways to increase energy levels naturally, check out my new blog post!

If you havent already followed my pinterest page or Instagram> go do that right Now! I share many more heathy recipes on there:)

Have any specific questions you want answered on a Email or my blog? Connect with me on my socials! (don't forget to follow! I have content EXCLUSIVE to my social media platforms you don't want to miss!)

Have an amazing rest of your week lovely!


xx Hailee

Hey! Im Hailee

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