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Take the face mask off....

I had this all wrong for years, Reader...I don't want you to make the same mistake. The mistake I made was thinking that self-love was any different than the way I loved my family or my partner. That TRUE unconditional love I thought I could feel for others but not myself I believed that I could love my partner wholeheartedly, but then look at myself in the mirror and call myself a fat pig... There is a lot of "fake" self-love out there in the world where people claim to love themselves but...

I was an addict… Addictive behaviors can manifest in many ways and they did for me, Reader. First, I was addicted to exercise. I remember about 7 years ago when I was still in my disordered behaviors my family and I were going on vacation to Mexico. Vacations made me anxious because I didn't have a gym or way to exercise. So guess what I did….👀👀👀👀 I woke up at god-forsaken hours to do a YouTube workout to burn the calories I anticipated eating to ease my anxiety Some of you may relate to...

High protein is hyped up for a good reason!! Gone are the days when we eat like our almond moms choking down cabbage soup and crackers only to be hungry again 5 minutes later. Then binge on all the things you restricted all day because you couldn't find any satiety in your meals. Now that I am a nutrition coach, I know something or two about what our body needs to thrive and feel good. Some of these diets I tell ya are ridiculous! Remember those 100-calorie special k packs, Reader? We thought...

I couldn't stop binge eating😥😥😥 Yes, Reader, there have been some dark times in my journey through period recovery where I binged on 4000+ calories and did it all again the next day because I felt like a complete failure So I might as well live up to that name I gave myself and fail again… Here is the thing about failing on your fitness journey, in your career, in relationships, or whatever it may be that you are trying to improve on 📌You fear failing so deeply it paralyzes you where you are....

Happy Thursday my dudes! I want to ask you a little bit of a personal question, Reader, is that ok? I hope you said yes because I can't hear you through my screen😂 so here it goes... Have you ever felt stuck? ❌ Stuck in a weight loss plateau ❌ Stuck trying to get your cycle back ❌ Stuck in a toxic relationship ❌ Stuck in a Job you hate You are not alone, My client Sarah felt SO STUCK before we started working together This morning she just hit a weight she hasn't seen since COLLEGE! And we...

Hey Reader, I got a good one for you this week! Its about that time again where you get an email from little ol me about something I wrote on the interweb:) I hope you are just as excited as I am and if you have PCOS - you should be extra excited! If you just "what tf is PCOS" at me then this post will also be very valuable to you because knowledge is powder! But in summary, PCOS is a hormonal condition that is genetic and can hind your life a lot if you dont know how to handle it. As we...

Why is my period missing?! If you are in a relationship, your brain may jump to the conclusion of "OMG IM PREGNANT" Now, Reader it may be a good idea to go grab yourself a pregnancy test just to be safe, but, there are 8 other common reasons your period may be late or gone MIA Which brings me to the reason im sending you this email *Drum roll PLEASE* New blog post is up right MEOW! 🐱 Click the link below to read 8 reasons why your period may go MIA👇🏼 8 other reasons why your period is GONE!...

Happy Monday Reader! I hope your weekend was AMAZING and you are fired up for this week. Ive got some awesome recipes to help rev those energizer bunny engine that do not include coffee!! Coffee is not bad, it actually has antioxidants in it but it also has a lot of caffeine that can have a negative effect on your stress hormones. If you are trying to balance your hormone levels, it is best to limit your caffeine intake. So, without coffee how are you supposed to get a little boost in the...