I ate 4000 + calories 👀😥🤦‍♀️

I couldn't stop binge eating😥😥😥

Yes, Reader, there have been some dark times in my journey through period recovery where I binged on 4000+ calories and did it all again the next day because I felt like a complete failure

So I might as well live up to that name I gave myself and fail again…

Here is the thing about failing on your fitness journey, in your career, in relationships, or whatever it may be that you are trying to improve on

📌You fear failing so deeply it paralyzes you where you are. Unable to move forward.

📌Or maybe you are fearful of success, and what that means you need to leave behind to get there.

I not only feared food because I thought I had no control over my actions, but I also feared what it would mean to give up my binge eating habits.

Giving up that dopamine hit every time the little switch in my brain gave me the “go ahead” and I started eating until I was sick…literally

If I healed my relationship with food, I wouldn't be able to eat copious amounts of food in one sitting, and as much as I hated binging, I loved it just as much…in the moment at least.

You know when you were scared of the monster under your bed? Well somewhere along the line of growing up those fears shifted from monsters to the little devil inside you

Fearing your emotions

Fearing failure

Fearing change

Fearing staying the same

Our brains are wired to look for everything that will go wrong if we do x, y, or z. It's a survival mechanism and something you have to consciously choose to think differently

My client Deanna, is going through a time right now personally, and while she can huddle up and say how unfair life is. She is choosing to see the good in things.

Choosing to take care of herself

Choosing to eat even when she stressed to the nines

Choosing to live the fear of what next through

You do not need the perfect plan to succeed, you just need the unwillingness to give up when life slaps you in the face and kicks your balls

Fear will leave you paralyzed, but only if you allow it to.

Everything is your choice

If you need more help on your hormone healing journey check out my socials! Or if you are ready to take the leap and work together, fill out a coaching application here;)

Hey! Im Hailee

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